Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Groundswell Incorporated

Catherine Engelbrecht - True The Vote @TrueTheVote

Darrell Issa - @DarrellIssa

John Boehner - @JohnBoehner @SpeakerBoehner

Frank Gaffney - @FrankGaffney @securefreedom

Jerry Boykin - @GenBoykin @mighty_jerico @FRCdc

Allen West - @AllenWest @PJMedia @AllenWestRepub

Ginni Thomas - @GinniThomas (protected account) @DailyCaller (associated account) 

Cleta Mitchell - @ActRightLegal (associated account) @RedState (associated account) @FoleyAndLardner (partner with account)

J. Christian Adams - @ElectionLawCtr @PJMedia * interesting photo collection:

Jeff Sessions (R-AL) - @SenatorSessions

*As more operatives are exposed, more contacts will be added...taking down the Shadow Government.